Geomechanics and Reservoir Engineering
Civotec offers a wide range of services covering reservoir geomechanics and subsurface investigations for energy sectors including oil and gas industries. Civotec professionals have extensive expertise on reservoir geomechanics, wellbore stability, hydraulic fracturing, and geomechanical modeling.
Contact us for inquiries, consultation, and requesting quotes | Email: | Phone: (281) 529-5298
Civotec offers a number of reservoir geomechanics services including:
Geomechanical modeling
Geologic studies of oil fields
Geochemical analysis
Geothermal analysis
Drilling optimization
Wellbore stability analysis
Well design
Thermo-chemo-poroelastic borehole stability analysis
Time-dependent borehole stability analysis
Geomechanical studies of unconventional reservoirs
Casing design
Coupled fluid-mechanical analysis
Rock sampling and logging
Rock mechanics testing
Microseismic analysis
Hydraulic fracturing
Mud pressure optimization for drilling operation
Pore pressure
Geophysical studies and analysis of log data
Two-phase flow analysis
Gas storage analysis